来华保险 About Insurance

作者: 发布时间:2019/03/15 12:06:19   来源:









官方登录入口留学生在集中报到时由保险公司派工作人员来校收取保费理投保手续。集中报到过后,为方便和保障学生,不至于在空挡期间出险, 由留办工作人员代为在线处理学生投保手续,收取保费,开具收据和提供保险卡(保险卡仅在第一次投保时提供)。学生也可登录联华国际网站 (http://oa.lhgj.net/cn/index)网上购买保险。















 2、留学生保险对于就诊医院规定为:公立医院(国际部除外)、普通科室就诊费用。 不包含私立医院、公立医院内的特需病区、外宾病区、高干病房、VIP病房等同类病区发生的费用。



About Insurance


·     International students in China must buy insurance.

In conformity with the regulation of Ministry of Education, international students who study in China for over six months (including students who continue their study for over six months) in universities / colleges are required to join the Group Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme of mainland China, and the insurance policy is one of the required documents for enrollment at the beginning of each semester. The University/ College may decide by itself that whether international students who study in China for less than six months should be covered by the group comprehensive insurance.

According to the regulation of the University, degree students, language students and exchange students are required to join the Group Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme of mainland China, and the insurance policy is one of the required documents for enrollment at the beginning of each semester. The insurance scheme, which is underwritten by PingAn Annuity Insurance Company, includes fundamental insurances, such as death insurance, medical insurance for accidental injury, in-patient medical insurance, etc. Please refer to the Introduction of Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China of PingAn Annuity Insurance Company for details. Insurance for Chinese government scholarship holders will be purchased collectively by China Scholarship Council, and the insurance for Confucius Institute Scholarship holders will be purchased by Hanban.

·     Guidance for insurance purchase

During the period for international student enrollment, personnel of the insurance company will come to the University to collect the insurance premiums and handle the procedures for insurance purchase. After the period of enrollment, for the convenience and security of international students and to reduce the risks of students who are not covered by the insurance, staff of the Office of International Students of the University will be authorized to handle the procedure for insurance purchase online and collect the premiums. Students who have bought the insurance will be given a receipt for purchase and an insurance card (the insurance card is only provided for initial purchase). Students may also purchase the insurance online through website (http://oa.lhgj.net/cn/index).

·     International students who have been covered by insurance

International students who have already covered by insurance in their home countries are required to join the Group Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme of mainland China, and those who have already bought insurance in mainland China according to the regulation should show the original copy of the insurance policy.

·     Premium

The premium of the insurance is 800 RMB for one year and 400 RMB for half a year. Please refer to Introduction of Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China of PingAn Annuity Insurance Company for details (See Annex).

Insurance Service

·     Students are kindly requested to read through theIntroduction of Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China of PingAn Annuity Insurance Company (See Annex) and understand the insurance coverage and liability exemption before buying the insurance.

·     Students who buy insurance for the first time will be provided with an insurance card. Please dial the 24-hour service hotline: 400-810-5119 Ext-1 in case that the student has some physical discomforts or is in need of medical guidance, suggestions for treatment or has some inquiries about compensation.

·     Please refer to the website http://www.lhgj.net/article/list-19.html) for more information regarding insurance.


·     Congenital diseases, hereditary diseases and existing diseases are not covered by the Comprehensive Insurance and Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China, and insurance policyholder may not renew the coverage for chronic diseases in the second year. Policyholders who violate the regulation shall bear all legal and economic liabilities that incurred.

·     Insurance for international students covers treatment in public hospitals (excluding international department) and general departments. Treatment in private hospitals, special wards in public hospitals, wards for foreign patients, wards for senior officials, VIP wards and equivalence is not covered.

·     Deposits for inpatient treatment are not included in the insurance and should be paid by the students themselves.


Comprehensive Medical Insurance & Protection Scheme forForeigners Staying in China of Ping An Annuity Insurance Co., Ltd..pdf


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